History Not Taught in the Public School - 15


          This is a continuation of Part 14 and over the past couple issues I have been focusing on the “Black Nobility” of Europe.  As noted, their roots may be traced back to the Venetian oligarchs, who are of Khazar extraction, and married into these royal houses in the early part of the 12th century.  Following a great Khazar victory over the Arabs, the future Emperor, Constantine V, married a Khazar princess and their son became Emperor Leo IV, also known as “Leo the Khazar”.  The Medecci popes, and Pius XII (Eugenio Pascelli) of WWII era, were all Khazars, as was Pope John Paul II.  Not all Black Nobility are royal houses, and many of the royal families no longer have kingdoms in the normal sense of the word.  They merely live off their stolen wealth.


          By far, the most important book of recent years was the Dr. John Coleman’s book, ‘Committee of 300’; and Dr. Coleman notes how the existing “Black Nobility” underwent a transformation from the early 18th century to its present form until around 1897, when the China opium trade was legalized.


          The socialist politician and financial adviser to the Rothschild’s. Walter Rathenau, writing in the Wiener Press, on December 24, 1921 said, “Only 300 men, each of whom knows all others govern the fate of Europe.  They select their successors from their own entourage.  These men have the means in their hands of putting an end to the form of State which they find unreasonable.”  Exactly six months after its publication, Walter Rathenau was assassinated.


          Dr. Coleman’s book names many of the ruling elite, particularly in the United States.  Whereas the English have a long history and are very aware of their ancestry, certain families of “blue bloods” in the United States that have historic ties with the British through blood line and money.


          These so-called :noble” families are behind most if not all of the so-called pro-environmental movements that are actually intended to curb the population growth of ALL nations.  Prince Philip and Prince Charles are the most visible figures of this movement, and are a true part of this conspiracy to destroy industry and take the world back to a New Dark Age.


          Most, if not all the crowned and uncrowned heads of these family dynasties enjoy huge incomes from ground rents.  All of them are opposed to nuclear power that can produce clean and cheap electricity, the key to economic development and prosperity to the Third World.  They ardently desire a return to the feudal system where they will once again be absolute rulers.


          It is important to know, while professing Christianity, the oligarchical families, for the greater part, actually despise it in secret.  Freemasonry provides their religious fulfillment.  Without faith, they have no belief in reward or punishment and a world to come.  They are the epitome of hedonism, and live for the here and now.    Many of these oligarchies are in the drug and arms trade through well-distanced intermediaries, like so many of the large banks.


          In 1815, the Jesuits and their Freemason allies among the crowned heads of Europe held the Congress of Vienna, whereby Swiss neutrality, previously sanctioned by the Peace of Westphalia in 1648, was forever guaranteed; and no matter how wars are provoked in which the common man has to do the fighting, the money of the Nobility in Switzerland should always be free from plunder.  It’s part of the House of Rothschild’s meticulous long-range planning, and why Switzerland exists to this day.  However, do not assume your money in a Swiss bank is safe.  Some $280 billion yearly in flight capital and drug money flows into the Swiss accounts of the Black Nobility.


          The place of Freemasonry in the power structure of the elites is quite evident as they carried through Adam Weishaupt’s conspiracy to avenge the Jesuits after their abolition in 1773 by the short-lived Pope Clement XIV as “immoral and a menace to the Church and the Faith”.  By launching the French Revolution and directing Napoleon’s conquest of Catholic Europe, and by revolts against the church in Mexico and Latin America, they cut-off Vatican income.


          Nathan Rothschild’s financing of Britain resulted in the defeat of Rome’s enemy Napoleon, (as well as being the source of his wealth and influence).  Since Gregory XVI conferred a Papal decoration on Kalman Rothschild for loaning the Vatican five million pounds in a period of difficulty, the Rothschild’s became the “Fiduciary” Agents of the Vatican in 1823/24 and ever since.  With the Vatican interests at heart, at 6% interest, the Rothschild’s extended their financial and political dominion in the United States.  The Vatican’s interest in the U.S. was clearly revealed in the secret 1822 Treaty of Verona between Austria, France, Prussia, and Russia whereby the Jesuit Order pledge itself as the price of reinstatement to destroy “the works of Satan” it had established in setting-up, by revolution, representative governments such as the republic and “democracies” of France and the USA, replacing them with the only form of govern-ment approved by the Roman Catholic Church, rule by “Divine Right”, as declared by the Vatican –(Daniel 2:42-43; Revelation 17:12-13).


          As Senator Robert Owens pointed out to the U.S. Senate in 1916, the prime target to which the Vatican and the “Holy Alliance” directed the subversive and destructive activities of the Society of Jesus, in the United States, and other republics in the Western hemisphere.  This plot, he claimed, was the target at which the Monroe Doctrine was directed.  What Senator Owens did not realize is that the Monroe Doctrine protects the interests of “The City of London”.


          The Rothschild-Vatican cabal unsuccessfully attempted to gain control over the power of the purse in the U.S. through the First and Second Bank of the United States.

They were established under emergency powers granted to the President by the Constitution, as temporary institutions to tide the country through the periods of financial stress occasioned by the Revolutionary and 1812 Wars.  But the aims of the conspirators to establish a banking monopoly were thwarted by the Constitution.  That all changed when the Federal Reserve System was introduced and passed on the eve of the Christmas break in Washington, in 1913.


          It is said the “Black Nobility” promised a neutral Germany if Soviet Russia allowed East and West Germany to reunite.  And that Russia promised to see that all royal houses are restored to the rightful heirs if they decoupled Europe from the American Alliance.


          Imperial nobility enjoy a more elevated status than the nobilities of the German successor states and, indeed, of the Italian states.  The descendants of Italian Holy Roman Empire titles have formed an Association to which all male line descendants of someone ennobled by Imperial Patent is entitled to belong.  The Principality of Liechtenstein has also claimed the ability to confirm a succession to Imperial titles, and has confirmed the right of a Spanish noble man to heir such a title for purposes of the Spanish law requiring the successor state to confirm that the claimant to a particular title is in fact the heir.  Thus there is a remaining jurisdiction, even though no Imperial titles have been conferred since 1806.


          In 1963, the Holy Roman Empire Association (Associzioni dei Nobili del Sacro Romano Impero)  was established to unite male descendants in its membership who are invested with nobility of the Holy Roman Empire.  It also includes a number of honorary members.


          The “Black Nobility” belongs to the “Committee of 300” that controls the U.N. Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands has the power to veto the Vatican’s choice of any pope it selects.  This may explain the untimely end of Pope John Paul I’s 33-day pontificate.  It, similarly, may explain the retirement of Benedict XVI (Ratzinger) prematurely.  He wasn’t to be the choice but Pope Francis was intended.  A bloc of cardinals opposed to Francis threw their votes to Benedict, in order to block Francis (Bergoglio) from being the previous selection.  Pope Benedict XVI was later indicted for protecting and shielding legal action against pedophile priests and bishops, and my information is that the Jesuits backing Francis pressed Benedict to resign/retire or face a cup of Borgia demise.  He was allowed to freely live out his days at Castel Gandolfa, the Papal summer residence fifteen miles away.  When Benedict left the Vatican State, he did not use any of the Vatican’s luxurious Mercedes-Benz vehicles, but chose to fly the short difference by the Vatican helicopter, and avoid facing arrest by Interpol agents waiting outside the Vatican entrance waiting to cuff him and wisk him off to jail for prosecution.    


          Prince Bernhard has veto power of every pope selection because his family, the Habsburgs, are descendants of the last Roman emperor.  The Habsburg Frederick III was the last emperor to be crowned in Rome; his great-grandson Charles V was the last to be crowned by a pope.  This is the civil equivalent of the pope’s claimed “apostolic succession” from Saint Peter.


          Prince Bernhard’s House of Orange had its origins in France.  The Habsburgs are related through marriage with the Merovingians, who are said to have descended from the Tribe of Benjamin who went into exile following war with the other eleven Tribes. That story is found in the book of Judges, chapter 21.  Their exile took them to Arcadia in the central Peloponnese, Greece.  Here they aligned with the Arcadian royal line and towards the advent of the Christian era, migrated up the Danube and Rhine Rivers, and through marriage, engendering the Sicambrian Franks – the immediate forbearers of the Merovingians, who were ultimately of Semitic origin, and descendants of King Saul.


          They are identified with the Spartans, and both books of Maccabees link the Spartans with the Jews.  1st Maccabees 12 tells of Jonathan sending a letter to the Lacedemonians (Spartan Greeks) asking for their help, since they were brethren.  Some assume that means the Spartans were Israelites, but the Spartans were not Israelites, they were Edomites descended from Bela son of Beor and brother of Baalim, and king of Edom (Genesis 36:32; 1st Chronicles 1:43).  Edom was the son of Isaac and grandson of Abraham who sold his birthright, and bred his posterity off the Book of Life.


          Early in the fifth century the Merovingians established themselves in what is now Belgium and northern France.  There they adopted the Cabalistic pseudo-Christianity of the Cathars, a dualistic religion that holds there are two eternal gods, the god of Good and the God of Evil.  It is revealing that this Luciferian belief is held by Masons of high degree and those who would be Masters of this world today, and who claim that Lucifer will ultimately be victorious.  An excellent book authored by the late J.R. Church, of ‘Prophecy in the News’, and titled ‘Guardians of the Grail’. 


          Under Clovis I, who reigned from 481-511 A.D., the Franks converted to Roman Catholicism.  Through him, Rome began to establish undisputed supremacy in Western Europe.  In return for being the sword of Rome whereby the church would manifest her power and impose a spiritual dominion, Clovis was granted the title of “New Constantine” and to preside over a unified “Holy Roman Empire” based on the church and administered on the secular level in perpetuity by the Merovingian bloodline.  This pact was a pact that could be modified, but not revoked, broken or betrayed.


          This is where the heresy arose about Jesus of Nazareth surviving the crucifixion. They believe the absurd idea that Jesus survived the cross and married Mary Magdalene who bore His son then in seclusion in the south of France.  During the fifth century this linage is said to have married with the royal line of the Franks engendering the Merovingian dynasty.  This is all a contrived false lineage.  Laurence Gardner in his books, particularly, ‘Bloodlines of the Holy Grail”, ties this blood linage to Prince Charles and his sons, Prince William and Prince Harry.  This is the origin of the idea of the “Divine Right of Kings” comes from.  Gardner contains dozens of genealogy charts, tracing the blood line of Prince William back to King David, and to Jesus as well.  Gardner posits that Jesus had two sons and a daughter in his book. 


          In 496 A.D., the Roman Catholic Church pledged itself in perpetuity to the Merovingians bloodline and it was presumably in full knowledge of their claimed identity.  This would explain why Clovis was offered the status of Holy Roman Emperor, and why he was not created but only “crowned” king.  In 754 A.D., the church clandestinely betrayed its part of the agreement.


          The Prierure de Sion is the name of the secret order which created the Knights Templar as its military and administration arm.  The Knights Templars were the forerunners of Freemasonry.  The Prieure de Sion continues to function through the centuries, acting in the shadows, and has orchestrated certain critical events in Western history.  It exists today and is still operative.  It’s declared objective is the restoration of the Merovingian dynasty and bloodline – to the throne not only of France, but of other European nations as well – a restoration that is sanctioned and justifiable, both legally and morally.


Although deposed in the eighth century, the Merovingian bloodline did not become extinct.  On the contrary, it perpetuated itself in a direct line from Dagobert II and his son Sigisbert IV.  Through the alliances of dynastic alliances and intermarriages, this line came to include Godfroi de Bouilon, who captured Jerusalem in 1099  A.D., and various other nobile and royal families, past and present – the Blanchefort, Gisors, Saint-Clair (Sinclairs of England), Montesquieu, Montpezat, Pohr, Luisignan, Planard and Habsburg-Lorraine.  At present, the Merovingian bloodline enjoys a legitimate claim to its heritage.


          The crown of Charlemagne - a replica of which is now part of the imperial Habsburg regalia – is said to have borne the inscription “Rex Solomon”.  And the “Spear of Destiny”, which is said to have pierced Christ, resides today in the Treasure House, in Vienna, Austria.  Hitler was deeply fascinated by the “Spear of Destiny”, supposedly awaiting another Holy Roman Emperor.


          The Prieure de Sion claim to hold the lost treasure of the Temple of Jerusalem plundered by Titus in 70 A.D. which would be returned to Israel when the time was right. This might explain why Rome must defer to the “kings of the earth” and how she will seal a covenant with the Jews who have long hidden behind the shield of baptism.


          Prince Bernhard is in fact related to the Khazars, those who converted to Judaism rather than submit to Islam or to the faith of Ghengis Khan.  He is a Gentile, and the Khazars are referred to in Revelation 2:9 and 3:9, as those calling themselves Jews when they are not, but are of the synagogue of Satan.


          Prince Bernard, with the aide and support of the CIA brought the hidden ruling body of the Illuminati into public knowledge as De Bilderberg Group.  Established in 1954, its headquarters is at 1 Smidswater, Den Haag, Netherlands.  At the heart of the Bilderberg Group are 39 members of the Illuminati chose from three committees drawn from the members of all the secret groups that comprise the Illuminati:


          13 Freemasons

          13 Vatican

          13 Black Nobility


          This committee work year round in offices in Switzerland.  “The Committee of 300” now call themselves the World Government Founders for the NOW.  A reference no doubt to their hereditary claim to the “Divine Right of Kings”.  It is imperative that we realize that privately, the “Black Nobility” refuse to ever recognize any government other than their own inherited and divine right to rule.  They believe the United States still belongs to England.  They work diligently behind the scenes to cause conditions, whereby they might regain their crowns.  Every royal and so-called noble dynasty past and present of Europe have seats on the Committee of 300, most often by nominees.  There are just too many of these “royal” families for them each to have representatives on the Committee of 300.  Precedence is determined by rank:  first royal family members, then dukes, earls, marquise and lords, then finally “commoners”, who usually get the title of “Sir”, that’s according to Dr. John Coleman.  Collectively between 3,000 and 5,000 control the entire planet.



Blessings in Jesus' to all,

Pastor Bob