History Not Taught in Public School - 12


          In my last post of this series I noted that America is the product of Roman Catholic/Jesuit/Freemasonry.  I want to continue with that thread for this post.  This will help to provide background history that as you will recognize as not something taught in the public school.

          When we think of Freemasonry, (the Speculative kind, not the early or original craft guild type), we need to speak of the occult, Kabbalah, black magick, satanism, spiritualism, and spiritism.  All of these are forbidden by the Word of God.  As we know, the dabbling in the occult are all very good ways of inviting demons into one’s life. Masonry takes all the world religions, ignores their teachings, and comes up with its own blend of the enlightened man.  This is what Masons mean by the "perfected man".  He belongs to a fraternity which on the surface puts up the facade of benevolence, all the while directing and corralling its initiates to its true god - who is, as Masonic Grand Master Albert Pike tells us is:
"Lucifer, the Light-bearer!"

          In a previous post, I noted the fact that Masons obsess on Old Testament themes, places, people, events, and even the KJV Bible itself.  By now one will recognize the fixation on the man Enoch of Genesis.  The problem with "Masonic tradition", however, is that it rests on supposition rather than historical fact - beginning with the mythical story of Hiram Abiff who, according to Masonic tradition, was the "Grand Master" architect who oversaw the construction of Solomon's temple.  There is no historical evidence to support the Hiram Abiff myth of building Solomon’s temple. 


          Freemasonry has always referred (unofficially) to various ancient esoteric schools of thought as the foundation of the philosophical tenets.  Among these are Egyptian Hermeticism, the Pythagorean-Orphic mystery schools, and the Jewish Kabbalistic traditions.  


          The Creator of the Universe foresaw the need one day to provide His "seal" of authenticity as Author, of His Written Word.  This "Heptadic Design Feature" is not found in the manuscripts of Westcott & Hort, from which all modern Bible translations in English have been created.  
          Westcott & Hort were Romanist sympathetic servants in England and created their "New" corrupted Greek New Testament.  The "Heptadic Design Feature" is not found in the Westcott & Hort text, nor any of the Catholic adopted ancient Codex, such as Codex Vaticanus or Codex Sinaiactus; and I might add not found in the bogus literature known as the Apocrypha and Pseudepigraphal writings.  This "Heptadic Design Feature" was discovered by high-speed computer algorithms at Stanford University's computer mathematics center decades ago.  I digress so let me get back to more of the myths of Freemasonry.

          Furthermore, the "Regius poem", A.K.A. the Halliwell Manuscript", (circa 1390 A.D.) is understood to be the oldest genuine record of the "Masonic Craft" known to exist.  Yet it says absolutely nothing of Hiram Abiff on the building of King Solomon's Temple.  The glaring lack of evidence to support the existence of the Hiram Abiff myth by the early 15th Century is only too obvious.  Clearly, the story of Hiram (not the Biblical Hiram) as the founder of Freemasonry hadn't yet been conceived - so who invented him and why?  I come back to this near the end of this post.

          They even have a degree in Freemasonry for the character Enoch.  Previously I noted the suggestion that Dr. John Dee may have had a copy of the book of Enoch, but 200 years before it was discovered.  Dr. John Dee, a strange man, according to those that knew him, had a fearsome appearance with his tall pointed hat and his penchant for crystal balls, gave him the archetype of the wizard after which dozens of story book wizards have been based, including Gandalf, Harry Potter, and even the Wizard of Oz.  Dr. John Dee founded the Rosicrucian order (the preeminent training School for the occult), the first of many magical secret societies, which promoted spiritual growth through the centuries. 

          Dr. John Dee (1527-1608 A.D.) was an English mathematician, professor, and astronomer who gave it all up for the (at that time) more lucrative occupation of being an "angel channeler" and astrologer.  He eventually became Queen Elizabeth's court astrologer, and soon after that, he became her personal spy.  As an agent of the Crown, Dee conducted several mysterious missions for purposes mostly unknown to this day.  He relished his espionage duties, creating elaborate, sophisticated cyphers.  In his correspondence with the Queen during these episodes, he signed his communiques as "007", seriously, a moniker that would be used again, as any fan of the spy genre will recognize.  The "angelic channeler" John Dee believed that specially constructed mirrors could draw magical power from the “Sun” and transmit messages and objects to distant stars and other worlds.  Dee attempted to receive visions from 'angels' using a globe of crystal.

          John Dee was born near London on the 13th day of July 1527.  He entered St. John's College at Cambridge at the age of 15.  He achieved notoriety early on with a charge of sorcery, which stemmed from a mechanical flying beetle demonstrated in a stage play.  After spending many years studying mathematics and cartography (map making), he took an interest in natural magic, a pastime then accepted by the church.  From his studies he developed a doctrine that one could obtain knowledge of God from the applied practice of Magick -  a controversial idea that was to get him into trouble on a number of occasions.  Early in his "Magick" career, during the reign of Queen Mary Tudor (Bloody Mary), Dee was arrested and accused of attempting to kill her with sorcery.  He was imprisoned in Hampton Court in 1553.  Dee was imprisoned in England for the crime of "calculating" "practicing" the pagan craft of mathematics.  He was accused of practicing Black Magick.

          In 1564 one of his many books dealing with Occult matters, 'The Monas Heiroglyphica' was published.  The ‘Monas Heiroglyphica is a symbol created by Dee, which he believed was the ultimate symbol of Occult knowledge. The following year he published 'Di Trigono'. 

          Dee began his experiments in trying to contact dis-carnated entities in 1581, mainly fueled by strange dreams, feelings and mysterious noises within his home.  On May 25, 1582, he recorded that he had made his first contact with the spirit world, through the medium of his crystal ball.  This had taken Dee years of work to achieve, through studying the occult, alchemy, and crystallomancy.  Spirit contact would prove to be a major driving force behind Dee for the rest of his life.

          While Dee was away in Europe things were not boding well at home.  In 1583 a large mob attacked Dee's home and library at Mortlake in Surrey destroying his collection of books, occult instruments and personal belongings. The attack was probably in response to rumors that Dee was a wizard.

          John Dee, Rosicrucian's and Freemason's all believe the same thing.  And, that's that benevolent "higher spiritual beings" are just waiting in one of many other dimensions to aid the "Perfected Men" like Dee and Freemasons, men who have perfected themselves through proceeding up through the ranks of the secret societies. Freemason's are well aware that God is opposed to this.  The Bible calls these spiritual beings demons, with God forbidding such practices completely.  This practice is part of what is called "necromancy", and is defined as "conjuration of the spirits of the dead for purposes of magically revealing the future or influencing the course of events".  The Bible notes God's forbidding this practice in:  Deuteronomy 18:11; 1st Samuel 28:7-19; Leviticus 19:31; and Leviticus 20:6.  The dark-side realm of all this is real and nothing to mess with.  Jesus Christ dealt with this in the story of the casting the demons from a demonic-possessed man into the swine in Mark, chapter 5. 

One of Dee's biographers described him as "Elizabethan England's greatest magus”.  He was a practitioner of Hermetic Gnosticism, a school of thought based upon the ancient pre-Christian teachings of the Greek god Hermes.  Hermes was in fact a mere copy of the much earlier Egyptian god of knowledge and language, Thoth.  In this sense, all Hermetic Gnosticism can be viewed as a worship of the teachings of Thoth.  According to Egyptian mythos, or myth, Thoth was one of the gods who came down to Earth, along with Isis and Osiris, to bring the fruits of knowledge, civilization, and the sciences to the Egyptian people.  In 1581, using his esoteric knowledge of these ancient practices, he began a series of attempts to communicate with "higher beings".  His channeler in this capacity was one Sir Edward Kelly.

          Although not a witch as such, Dee devoted much of his life to alchemy, divination, and Hermetic philosophy; and, his association with the less scrupulous "scryer", Edward Kelley.  This all seems just too hard to believe in the modern day and age, however, Dee was invited to Leuven, Brussels, and Paris to lecture on advanced algebra at the University of Paris while still in his early twenties.  He actually was made a founding fellow of Trinity College, at Cambridge.  He was an ardent promoter of mathematics, a highly respected astronomer and a leading expert in navigation, having trained many of those who would conduct England's voyages of discovery around the world.  There is an actual web ring referred to as the Enochian webring on the Internet since about 1996, all joined together and focused on the Enochian magick system.  They are deeply into the apocryphal book of Enoch.

          Dee amassed the largest library in England and one of the largest in all of Europe.  In a minute I will link Edward Kelley's roll in all this, but I need to mention a series of attacks and slanders that would dog Dee throughout his life.  He was arrested and charged with "calculating" (casting horoscopes) of Queen Mary and Princess Elizabeth. The charges were later expanded to treason against Mary), but he was exonerated.  When Elizabeth took the throne in 1558, Dee became her trusted adviser on astrological and scientific matters, as well as her personal spy in the often treacherous world of Elizabethan politics.

          By the early 1580's, dissatisfied with his progress in learning the secrets of nature, he began to turn towards the supernatural as a means of acquiring knowledge, specifically seeking to contact angels through the use of a "scryer" or crystal-gazer as an intermediary.

          Although an intensely pious Christian, Dee was also deeply influenced by the Hermetic and Platonic-Pythagorean doctrines and the belief that man had the potential for divine power, which would be exercised through mathematics.  His Kabballast angel magick (which was also heavily numerological) and his power of practical mathematics (navigation, for example) were simply the exalted and mundane ends of this same spectrum.

          In 1582, Dee met Edward Kelley (then going under the name of Edward Talbot) and took him into his service as his scryer.  The two began to devote all their energies to supernatural pursuits, conducting their "spiritual conferences" or "actions" with an air of intense Christian piety, always after periods of purification, prayer, and fasting.

          Dee maintained that the angels laboriously dictated several books to him this way, some in a special angelic (or "Enochian") language.  The Enochian magic (or angel magic) performed by John Dee and with Kelley as his scryer and necromancer, was called a form of Theurgy based around a hierarchy of spiritual intelligences called "The Watchers", whose task it was to watch over humanity from the four Watchtowers at the so-called corners of creation, and who identified themselves as the same angels that had instructed the Biblical patriarch Enoch in the occult wisdom of heaven.

          After a few years of nomadic life in Central Europe, and some years of relative stability in Bohemia, during which time they continued their spiritual conferences (seances), the two men finally parted ways in 1587 after Kelley had tried to persuade Dee that the angel Uriel had ordered that they should share everything, including each other’s wives.

          John Dee's eldest son, Arthur Dee (1579-1651 AD) accompanied him on his wanderings across Europe and Bohemia, learning elements of his father's art.  Arthur later became a physician to Tzar Michael I of Russia (founder of the Romanov Dynasty) and lived in Moscow for fourteen years where he wrote a collection of writings on alchemy.  Alchemy (converting base metal lead into gold) had been a search of basic scientists for centuries.

          Dee returned to England in 1589 to find his library ruined and many of his prized books and navigation instruments stolen.  From 1592 to 1605, he worked as a warden at Christ's College, Manchester, although his tenure there was far from happy and he returned to London in 1605.  The new king, King James, was much less sympathetic to anything related to the supernatural than Elizabeth had been, and Dee was forced to sell off various possessions to support himself and his daughter, Katherine, who cared for him until his death late in 1608 or early 1609, at the age of 82.

          Dee's meticulous records of his angelic communications were discovered after his death and published in 1659 by Meric Casubon, who was also responsible for the widespread idea that Dee was acting as the unwitting tool of evil spirits.  Around the same time, members of the Rosicrucian movement claimed Dee as one of their number much like Freemasonry claims Enoch as one of their own.  There is no evidence that Dee himself ever belonged to any secret fraternity.

          One of the fascinations that I had regarding John Dee was his insignia number that he used with Queen Elizabeth in their private communications between her Court and Dee.  This is the origination of what James Bond fans refer to as agent 007.  Dee signed his letters with two circles (zeros) and a seven:  007.  John Dee was the man whom Ian Fleming modeled his 007 James Bond character.  Ian Fleming as a writer of fiction, was known to embed government secrets within his novels.

          In the Bible, Lamech was Cain's fifth son.  Lamech in turn had three sons: Jabal, Jubal, Tubal Cain.  Tubal Cain refers to blacksmiths from antiquity and the original Tubal Cain supposedly worked with bronze and iron in the far distant past.  If you simply rotate Dee's 007 signature 90-degrees, it looks like two balls and a club or a cane.  The interesting thing about this is that there is a resemblance to the Masonic symbol "Two Ball Cane".  "Two Ball Cane" is allegedly a pun for "Tubal Cain" which is the secret password of a third-degree Mason, a "Master Mason".

          The occultist and Mason, Manly Palmer Hall says, "The day has come when Fellow Craftsman must know and apply their knowledge.  The lost key to their grade is the mastery of emotion, which places the energy of the universe at their disposal.  Man can only expect to be entrusted with greater power by proving his ability to use it constructively and selflessly.  When the Mason learns that the key to the warrior on the block is the proper application of the dynamo of living power, he has learned the mastery of his craft.  The seething energies of Lucifer are in his hands and before he may step forward, onward and upward, he must prove his ability to properly apply energy.  He must follow in the footsteps of his forefather, Tubal-Cain, who with the mighty strength of the war god hammered his sword into a ploughshare".  Note the reference to Lucifer and not God!

          There is also a sexual connotation associated with Vulcan and Tubal Cain. Former Roman Catholic priest and Mason, William Schnoebelen, explains:  "For Masons who wish to conceal their membership from non-Masons, but still advertise it to their Lodge brothers, there is a special pin (or tie tack) they can wear.  It looks like an upside down golf club with two balls near the top ... Many people assume the person is a golfing enthusiast, but it is actually a visual Masonic pun."

          William Schnoebelen notes "This is called the "Two Ball Cane", and is a pun on the secret password of a Master Mason, "Tubalcain (sic)."  It is also an all-too-obvious pun on the "god" of Masonry, the male reproductive organ.  Nice, eh? .. especially when many men wear these wretched things to church on Sunday!"

          John Dee named his system of ceremonial magic after the apocryphal book of Enoch.  As I have noted, Enoch is also the central figure around which a great deal of Masonic legend is centered, as he is said to have constructed the two pillars of Masonic lore to preserve the antediluvian high knowledge of Atlantis inside them.  There is an artist rendering image that depicts John Dee, Queen Elizabeth's personal astrologer, passing a lantern symbolizing the esoteric tradition to Francis Bacon. (believed to be by many, a bastard child of Queen Elizabeth). When he was 21, Bacon met the alchemist and original 007, John Dee.  On August 22, 1582 there was an entry in Dee's journal that says they met at Mortlake and the young Francis Bacon came to the famous alchemist to learn about the ancient Hebrew esoteric numerical code known as the Gematria, one of the oldest cypher systems known, dating back to around 700 BC.  Esoteric themes are threaded through much of Bacon's writings and one can only guess at Dee's influence on Bacon.

          Now to pick up with the question I raised earlier as to who and why was Hiram of the Bible given such an important place in Freemasonry?  I believe that the reader will find this both interesting and somewhat surprising.

          Over the centuries, the personal details of the lives of many great historical figures have been obscured, distorted or deliberately swept under the carpet.  Such was the case with Francis Bacon.  As extraordinary as it may seem, there is an avalanche of hard, tangible evidence that supports the following:

    1.  Francis Bacon was a secret illegitimate son of Queen Elizabeth I - which made him an heir to the Tudor throne, and.

    2.  He was the genius behind the creation of the collective works ascribed to the literary name "William Shakespeare", and.

    3.  He was the creator of modern "Speculative Freemasonry" along with the Hiram myth.

          If you find this a hard pill to swallow, you wouldn't be the first by a long shot.  For those who are not already familiar with these facts, see the specific details and hard evidence set forth in the book 'The Lost Secret of William Shakespear', at


www.thelostsecretofwilliamshakespeare.com .


          The author, Richard Allan Wagner is a Masonic Lodge brother and a Masonic historian as well.  So you have again information from a credible Masonic source of information.

          Some 83 years prior to the writing of the "Regius Poem" (which basically provided a constitutional outline for early Masonic philosophy and principles) the medieval Order of the Knights Templar had been viciously attacked and torn asunder by the Roman Catholic Church.  The surviving members of the Order scattered throughout Europe seeking refuge in secret underground enclaves.  The Roman Catholic Institution had declared an all-out war against all progressive scientific and philosophical thinking deemed to deviate in the slightest degree from Catholic dogma and the Great Inquisition had just arrived .

          Those who were accused of, or believed to be harboring heretical beliefs were condemned to be burned alive at the stake.  As a result, most of Europe's leading minds became members of a loosely knit secret society generically known as the "Invisible College" or the "Great Society" - but in truth it was the precursor of what would become the Rose Croix or Rosi Cross Order (the Rosicrucians).

          Most ironic is the fact that, this secret underground movement, which made great advances in the arts and the sciences, was unwittingly sponsored by rich patrons of the Church - indeed by the Church itself - all under the guise of producing religious art.  It became the exact cause of the Italian Renaissance.  Great Renaissance masters such as Da Vinci and Michelangelo took special delight in secretly thumbing their noses at the Church by hiding heretical esoteric messages in their works.  Such revelations became the substance of a number of movies produced in the past thirty years as the result of writings by author Dan Brown and David Ovason.  This was a contributing factor in the unmasking of the Masonic architecture that over lays our Capitol's Federal Mall in Washington, DC. 

          The flow of esoteric thinking that bridged the latter part of the sixteenth century into the seventeenth century brought about the intellectual explosion of the English Renaissance, which spawned revolutionary innovations in literature, science and social philosophy, with Francis Bacon as its supreme architect.  This period of time has become to be known as the "Enlightenment" era.  Francis Bacon would fuse the Rosicrucians and the Masonic esoteric traditions together, raising them to a new synthesis of knowledge and understanding that hadn't been seen before.

          In the late 1500's, Dr. John Dee was widely recognized as the preeminent authority on all esoteric knowledge. Equally important, Dee was one of Queen Elizabeth's chief spies.  Furthermore, as a mentor to the prodigious young Francis Bacon, Dee's influence was huge.  By his early teens, Bacon, with his stellar mind, had far surpassed everything England's leading educators and scholars could possibly throw at him.  For the world, Bacon was already an intellectual giant and a force to be reckoned with.  Dee's guidance helped to shape what the French would refer to as "the jeweled mind".

          In 1593 AD, Bacon wrote:  "I claim all knowledge to be my province".  He wasn't joking.  As far as he was concerned, all of the classical knowledge, wisdom, science, and literature of ancient Greece and Rome had died out long before his time, only to be buried and left like a rotting corpse to decay - lost to the ages.  Bacon would spend the rest of his life laboring at something he called his "Great Instauration".  This is known as the Bacon's "Grand Masonic Plan for the Enlightenment of Humanity"

          Bacon understood that the most efficient way to disseminate a new English Language to the illiterate masses was to unleash it through the sheer power of the theater.  To that end, he devised a new form of play writing inspired by his adopted muse, the Greek goddess Palla Athena, A.K.A. "The Spear Shaker"  The first "Shakespearean" work, "Venus and Adonis" was published anonymously.  Then as other poems and plays began to unfold, the pseudonym name of "Shake-Speare" or "Shakespeare" began to emerge.  William Shakespeare was the creation of Sir Francis Bacon and Shakespeare was Bacon himself.  In fact, Rosicrucian and Masonic philosophies are essentially one in the same.  By design, the language of Shakespeare was the perfect vehicle for espousing Masonic-Rosicrucian principles and ideology.  I refer the reader to chapter 23 of 'The Lost Secret of William Shakespeare' noted above.

          One morning in late 1576, Queen Elizabeth packed young Francis Bacon up and personally shipped him off to France.  The author of the book mentioned above contends her reason for such action may well have been prompted by Francis Bacon's discovery of his royal parentage.  Whatever the reason, Queen Elizabeth definitely wanted young Bacon out of her hair.  Her ruse was to use Sir Francis Bacon as a spy on foreign governments and officials in the same capacity as John Dee.  Under Dee's tutelage, Bacon had already learned how to weave coded cipher messages into all of his correspondence and writing.  Eventually, he would invent newer ways to transmit ciphered messages. 

          At the age of 17, Francis Bacon was initiated into the Order of Operative Masonry.  In earlier years, the Operative Masons had been the builders of Europe's grand cathedrals.  Because of their affiliation with the defunct Knights Templars, they were as much at odds with the Roman Catholic Institution as the rest of the underground movement.  The only way they could maintain their existence was to "ACCEPT" affluent noblemen who had NO experience or background in the craft of stone masonry into their ranks. 


          Sir Francis Bacon overlaid his master design to enlighten men of what is now known as "Speculative Masonry" over that of the "Operative Masonry"  Bacon's "Speculative Masonry" of 1617 became later the Masonic Order in 1717 that came out of the ancient secrecy of Rosicrucianism.  I've discussed the Masonic ring of the "Square and Compass" which bears the capital letter "G".  Masons will tell you it represents "God" or "Geometry" or "Gnosis" or "Generative Powers" but basically it was a cypher invented by Bacon to refer to himself as the number one Mason.  "G" is the "seventh" letter of the alphabet, and Bacon used it as a cypher to refer to himself through the symbolic number "33" that represented the chair of the "Worshipful Master" of Masonry. 

          When Sir Francis Drake sailed up the coast of California he had navigational instruments that were top secret. The French, Spanish, were to be kept away from this stuff and these were instruments created by John Dee that allowed him to locate himself anywhere on the globe at any given time.  In addition to his studies of the occult, and numerous trips abroad (which many think were as a spy), John Dee was employed teaching navigation to Naval Captains for some 30 years.

          There is only one border crossing between Egypt and Eilat, Israel at Taba, Egypt and at the last circle before getting to the border you will find a Masonic Memorial in the middle of the road.  As usual symbolism means everything in Freemasonry.  The two columns represent the two pillars of Solomon's Temple.  It's obvious that Satan's Clubhouse (Freemasonry) is having something to do with Israeli society being mostly secular, and not spiritual.  One must first understand , that under their canopy of one "Great Architect of the Universe" theology, Masonry has been adept at making "strategic alliances" with Satanists, The Brotherhood, Spiritists, Wicca, Druids, Cabalists, Hindu, and Islam.  The Shriners are Masonry's Islamic wing.  It is from this alliance that their "Messiah" will appear.  Masons treat all these groups and beliefs as all equal. Christianity which views all the above as pagans is simply one among many to a Mason.

          Freemasonry has always planned to gain control of the Jerusalem Temple Mount, so they can rebuild Solomon's Temple.  The Vatican works toward the same goal, and when the Jesuits hijacked the Masonic Brotherhood in 1776, they were able to apply both institutions in a dual-prong attack in the agenda to control Jerusalem for Lucifer/Satan.  The Vatican used its leverage by buying up much of Jerusalem through their "Fiduciary agents", the Rothschilds.  The Vatican owns upwards of 60% of Jerusalem’s real estate.

          The Masonic memorial at Eilat is a message to the world that Israel is controlled by the Vatican/Jesuit/Freemasonry/Rothschild power.  As soon as they rebuild the Third Temple, their Masonic Christ will appear on the Earth, claiming to be the Jewish Messiah for whom Israel has long been awaiting.  This "Christ" will be the Biblical Antichrist.  Christian writer Texe Marrs writes: "On the heap of its ruins, the Masons intend to build a Jewish Masonic Temple where they and their satanically energized messiah shall worship and pay homage to the Egyptian double-headed eagle deity, Mammon-Ra, the god of money and prosperity and the Sun god."

          The Masonic presence is not only very present but getting very bold throughout Israel.  The Masonic Grand Lodge meets in Tel-Aviv, but there are Masonic Temples (about 70) in all the important cities, from Nahariya in the north to Eilat, Israel's southern port on the Red Sea.

          Two weeks after the 1967 Six-Day War, which saw Jerusalem and the Temple Mount brought under Israeli control, there occurred the greatest Freemasonic meeting in history in London, celebrating 250 years since the founding of the ‘UGLE’ (United Grand Lodge of England), at which time the Duke of Kent was installed as the new Grand Master.  Shortly after that meeting, the QC Lodge dispatched a member, the Jewish physicist Dr. Asher Kaufman, to begin studies on the exact location of where the Temple originally stood.  The Temple Mount Faithful was also established at this time by Stanley Goldfoot, which was recently led by Gershon Solomon.  He may have been replaced in the last year if my memory is correct.  It is my understanding that he died in 2016. Shortly after the London meeting in 1967, the Grand Lodge issued a contract to the Bedford, Indiana quarries for 60,000 tons of cut stone for the coming Third Temple.  Those stones sit today in the State of Israel, in an undisclosed location.

          In December of 1995, a month after Prime Minister Rabin was assassinated, the Jerusalem Lodge #91 was established adjacent to the Temple Mount in the underground Grotto of King Solomon.  This lodge was founded by Giuliano Di Bernardo, and at the opening ceremony he declared, "The rebuilding of the Temple is at the center of our studies".

          Professor Giuliano Di Bernardo - First Grand Master of the Regular Grand Lodge of Italian Freemasonry, for the previous three years he had been Grand Master of the Grand Orient Lodge of Italy (GOI), from which body he had resigned shortly after the Grand Lodge of Italy annual meeting at the end of March 1993.  Upon quitting the GOI, Di Bernardo accused his old lodge of Satanic rituals saying, "In the lodges of the GOI, obscene rites are practiced, deriving from the Templar tradition, in which the devil Baphomet is invoked, together with the "Supreme Being."  No doubt the 'Supreme Being' Di Bernardo is speaking about is Satan.

          Lord Northampton is an avid supporter of Di Bernardo and has charged him with the task of preparing the way for rebuilding the Temple.  In June, 1996 Bernardo published his book in Italian: 'Rebuilding the Temple', which was to be published in English by the Quatuor Coronati Lodge.  In an interview he explains his goal, "A new utopia may be based on the cabala.  I see a utopia based on Jewish mysticism, but Jewish mysticism as a place... a material place, Solomon's Temple... This is my intention.  This is my will!"  This is more confirmation that Kabbalah is Satanic.

          Yet another Satanist, Occult & Masonic connection, referred to by Lord Northampton on Aleister Crowley - the most famous occultist and The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn.  It is one of the most famous occult societies of the 20th Century.  Lord Northampton stated, "I know the Golden Dawn extremely well, and I love Aleister Crowley's poems and Macgregor Mathers, and all those people and I know all the people in England who are still practicing it, and I have done the rituals.  I have done all these things.  Great fun!  Tremendously exciting!"  Crowley wrote an account of his spiritual progress in Magick and Satanism under the title 'The Temple and Solomon the King'.

          Of particular interest regarding the British Quatuor Coronati Masonic Lodge and extreme interest in the Jerusalem Temple Mount is the fact that Sir Charles Warren was the first grand master of the Quatuor Coronati Lodge.  He was also the president of the Palestine Exploration Fund, and two decades earlier had been the chief engineer for British excavations of the Temple Mount.

          Lord Northampton, who has been atop the Temple Mount conducting "Temple studies", candidly has admitted in interviews, that he is an adherent of "British Israelism", which holds the British oligarchy has mystical powers, because England was colonized by one of the lost tribes of Israel.  He states, "I think the tradition of the Kabbalah is very strong in England, because I think one of the lost tribes came to England, and I think you can spot them, quite clearly, in old English families.  I am sure you can.  I know they came to Ireland, then to the north of Wales, and then down into England.  And then that became some of the oldest families we have."

          While recent DNA studies conducted in the past twenty+ years have concluded that Lord Northampton's supposition is all nonsense, none the less, the idea of "British Israelism" persists.  As I have noted in previous posts, "British Israelism" is bogus, despite the fact that millions of folks around the world bought the lies of the late Herbert W. Armstrong and his Worldwide Church of God.  The recent discoveries of the DNA studies show no connection whatsoever with citizens of the UK or the USA having any direct ties to Israel via DNA.  Scientists at Johns Hopkins Hospital found no genetic links to support the contention of "British Israelism".  For anyone wanting to learn more on this deception, I would recommend you view the 2-disc DVD entitled 'The Zion King' released the winter of 2014.  Further support exposing the British obsession with the idea the Royal Family descended from King David and a myth of Jesus marrying Mary Magadeline is found in Richard Cohen's book, 'Antichrist and a Cup of Tea' and Laurence Gardiner's book, 'Guardians of the Grail', which weaves a myth that traces the Royal Family of England back to King David.  These people are deadly serious about their so-called genealogy back to King David, and even Jesus.  The "Pre-Wrath Rapture" babble site teaches the belief system of "British Israelism" to their viewers along with all the crap about Enoch, the Apocrypha, etc., etc., etc.  It's simply all one pile of cow chips! 

          Di Bernardo has also spoken of how the director of the ADL of B'nai B'rith, Abe Foxman, is a collaborator in the plan to rebuild the Temple, and that he, Foxman and Lord Northampton met in Switzerland just prior to the launching of the Jerusalem Lodge, to discuss the project.  Di Bernardo says that there are strong connections between B'nai B'rith and Freemasonry.

          None of you know this, but on July 15, 1968, the President of the Moslem Court of Appeals turned down a request by an American Masonic Temple Order to build a $100-million dollar Solomon's Temple on the Temple Mount.

          For those that don't know, ex-Confederate General, and some say Klu Klux Klan member, Brigadier-General Albert W. Pike is one of the most famous Freemasons of the Scottish Rite known to man and author of the Masonic bible, 'Morals and Dogma' shows in it that the god of Freemasonry is Lucifer.  It's in the rite and rituals of 19th-Degree of Masonry.  Yet most Masons never take the time to read their own organizational handbook.  95% of them are following the teachings of Lucifer the "Light Bearer" of Masonic teachings.  Don't believe it?  Here is a quote from 'Morals and Dogma':

        "Lucifer, the Light-bearer! Strange and mysterious name to give to the Spirit of Darkness!  Lucifer, the Son of the Morning!  Is it he who bears the Light, and with its splendors intolerable, blinds feeble, sensual, or selfish souls? Doubt it not!"  -(
Albert Pike, 'Morals ad Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry', page 321, 19th Degree of Grand Pontiff).

          Most new candidates to Masonry also have no idea that what they are told initially are lies.  At the heart of Freemasonry is a secret Lucifierian doctrine which a Mason only comes to understand as he reaches the highest levels.  New candidates are falsely taught that the beginnings of Freemasonry are lost in the "mists of time".  Beware:  That is just a clever ruse or lie candidates easily accept, to be deceived.

          High level Masons believe that Lucifer never fell to Earth and that Lucifer is really God, and refer to Yahweh by the name of Adonay.  Masons say that it is Yahweh that is the god of evil, because he forces men to be subservient to his repressive dictates. Masonic books given to handpicked members of the 32nd and 33rd Degrees say that Jesus was an imposter, and that Lucifer is the true God.  Freemasonry teaches that Lucifer wants you to be free to "Do what thou will" and disregard the Bible's teachings.

          This post may have been a bit longer than I would have preferred but it provides most important background history, philosophy, and the esoteric links and ties that bring together into a world organization that is dedicated to rule the world.  With the Roman Catholic Institution's infiltration centuries ago it has gained immense power that is built on the religion of worshiping Lucifer of the Bible.  Revelation 13, 17 & 18 take on greater understanding from what I have shared here.  From what I have shared one can see why the myths surrounding Enoch and Hiram have become so important in perpetuating the lies and disinformation.  It is sad that men pay good money to join the Masonic Lodge, which they join for reasons other than what the upper echelons of the Lodge are focused upon.  That fact notwithstanding, then you have the fools out their propagating that these books like Enoch, and others are somehow divinely inspired.  The Apocrypha and the Pseudepigraphal writings have been mythical writings that have grown legs of their own and become the fantasy and legend of the divine held by morons who would rather read fiction than the Bible itself!

Lord Jesus Christ, Please Come Quickly,

Pastor Bob